THIS WORLD IS SAAAAAAACRED! screams the German band Blind Guardian. Then the power-metal kicks in and the scene transitions into something straight out of Jason and the Argonauts, if Jason were surrounded by scantily clad elves and got flattened by a rock golem at the end of the movie.
Before you can get your head around that concept, the old man will launch into a story concerning High Elves and something blue and glowy called T-energy. It begins with an old man whose eyes are sewn shut and he’s reading a book. But it sort’ve kicks itself in the nuts along the way. Sacred 2’s opening video tries its damnedest to be cool. In the case of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, I hadn’t done anything interesting, met any interesting characters, or even managed to become interested in my own character in over twenty hours of gameplay and I was nowhere near being done with the main quest.' If I reach a point where I find myself checking FAQs to see how much longer a game goes on, then I know the game has outlived its welcome.
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (PlayStation 3) review